Moulin Rouge!
When: Friday, July 28th | 21:15
Where: Plato’s Academy Park | 137 Monastiriou str., Plato’s Academy | Back-to-back screening with “Romeo + Juliet” | Free Entrance
Τhe film will be screened with a newly restored digital print and a dynamic stereophonic sound system. In collaboration with the Australian Embassy in Greece.
Director: Baz Luhrmann
Starring: Nicole Kidman, Ewan McGregor, Richard Roxburgh, Jim Broadbent, John Leguizamo
Runtime: 127'
Year of Production: 2001
Language: English
Subtitles: Greek
“This story is about truth, beauty, freedom, but above all things, this story is about love”: in 2001, and in a world that was not ready yet, Baz Luhrmann completes the “Red Curtain Trilogy”, transforming the legendary “Red Windmill” in the heart of Paris into a towering and glittering jukebox. From the windows and the scaffolding to his sinful body, one could even hear the passions of the whole of the moonlit Monmarte. In the main hall and the private chambers, some of the greatest radio hits of all times weave with their lyrics the cursed romance between Christian and Satine, a writer ready to surrender to the indulgences of bohemian life and a dancer who grew up in cabarets and is preparing to marry a greedy duke.
But fate will catch up with them, the same one that seals top melodramas, like those to which Baz Luhrmann’s genuine spectacle aspires to resemble. “Moulin Rouge!” remains the ultimate Hollywood extravaganza on a planet that has forgotten how to be impressed. And despite the dancing, the music, the stardust, the fireworks and the myriad pop mentions displayed every second, it does not let you forget not for a moment “the greatest thing you’ll ever learn in your life”. Theodore Karamanolis